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September Message 2011 -By BDevine

Hello & Welcome everyone!!

I have recently uploaded a September predictions video,on You Tube -you can watch it HERE .

In this video, there was a channeled message from a lovely group of Angels/Archangels, who were giving an important message for everyone, on the importance of self-mastery .

I decided to share this message with all of you here! I trust that you will enjoy!!

"Dearest children,

It is I,Michael the Archangel,along with Archangel Metatron,Archangel Raphael,Archangel Gabriel,Azrael,Iris,Archangel Uriel, and thousands more who are here with you right now...

September is the month of mastery ...there is ,much chaos and fear, still reigning in today's World,however,there is also an outpouring of some of the darkest & lost places,of the World,and many are beginning to awaken to their divine purpose and divine self...

YOU ARE DIVINE!!! YOU are creators of miracles in your lives!
YOU have the power of thought, which ALWAYS creates!!
Start accepting , that you are capable of anything at all! ANYTHING!

Once you accept it,it grows...

WHen you don't believe,or are fearful, lost. betrayed,deprived,jealous,sad,lonely, or in denial, you will attract more of the same to you! You are creating it! & thus, experiencing it!

WHen you take your power back in positive & uplifting ways, you can NULLIFY any negative situation, feeling , person or habit, that is in your life...

The fear that is across the planet, is placed there by those multitudes,who are dwelling on this!!!

Forget things that make you feel bad,by "canceling" the thought.

There is peace in the present.

Work just one day at a time.

Instruct your higher self, to start to lead you every day...

Your higher self is that part of you,which is always cosmically conscious - in other words-always in tune with guides, Angels,loved ones & is the BIGGEST part of who you REALLY are...

Understand, you are here to 'evolve", "experience", and "learn"

Your greatest task by far, is to love yourself unconditionally!
If you can work on this everyday, and laugh at your negative thoughts, you will change! Your situation will change, and life will become the happiness YOU ARE!!

This month, heralds the new you!

The beginning of wonderful miracles , manifestation, love & light that will amaze you, beyond belief!..

Do not listen too fear based predictions, that are zapping your power, and stealing your attentions...

Whilst you are turning your attention inward, and loving others unconditionally, YOU are instrumental, in saving the planet! & having the life of your dreams!


Your consciousness, will protect you all, always...

Blessings and love to all of you!!



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